Inhabiting the School. Bodies in the School/The School of Bodies

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Libertad Machado
Daniel Zambaglione
Santiago Diaz


This article presents a series of reflections that are framed in the course we took of the Diploma in Advanced Studies of Anthropology of and from the Bodies with Latin American Perspective (2023 cohort), taught by the National University of Rosario by the Research Group of Body Anthropology and Performance of the University of Buenos Aires. Here, we summarize the training journey that we carried out, virtually during the year 2022, with a high degree of involvement and affectivity. The various meetings, the proposals and the high conceptual level deployed, provided us with a wide spectrum of possibilities to think about and carry out the methodological proposal that we present here. In fact, the purpose of this article is to share a workshop experience that we thought and carried out in connection with the framework of education and corporalities, in a public secondary school in the city of Paraná, Entre Ríos (Argentina). In this direction, we are interested in thinking about how our own bodily genealogies and gestures, movements, and "affecting-materialities" have been constructed (Citro, Rodriguez & Equipos, 2020 -in press-, p. 16). We understand that the memory of experiences of movement, images, gestures map our own bodily history and with it the way we get involved, the ways of knowing and feeling, which today allows us to have a particular way of approaching the world.


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Machado, L., Zambaglione, D., & Diaz, S. (2023). Inhabiting the School. Bodies in the School/The School of Bodies. Perspectivas De investigación En Educación Física, 2(4), e030.


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